Monday, February 7, 2011


Wow, it has been so long since I have updated! I guess there are plenty of good reasons! We are expecting our third baby in July! I am 17 weeks along and doing well! Although I worry for the entire 9 months of each pregnancy, I can only out faith in God that this child is meant to bless our home. I spent the first 15.5 weeks very sick, tired, and well a tad overwhelmed. But luckily the bigger two kiddos are super excited and have been a joy, even when cooped up in the house!

James started preschool and is doing amazing! He is so bright and so in love with all things school! Today he wore his backpack around the entire hour before just waiting to go! I am so glad that we put homeschool plans on hold for a bit to give him the social interactions he craves. We are exploring all types of education options but are seeming to settle on parochial schools. Next year will be a trial run at public school kindergarten and when we move, hopefully we can get him into a good Catholic school.

Jolee is a tiny little tornado! She is such a peanut topping the scales at about 20 pounds at 18 months old. I even had her in a 6/9 month onesie yesterday! Her blonde locks are too cute for words, but catch all things sticky! She wants everything big brother has and that makes things a bit difficult. Right now we are waiting for a kids table to arrive so she can get out of the high chair. She really hates it! She is also very ready to potty train...I never would have believed it but after finding her pants-less on the toilet saying "Mama, poop!", I think I should let her try! She keeps me on my toes but is such a sweetheart. Rocking her to sleep is my favorite part of the day with her. She tells me "Night night" and kisses me over and over. Pure joy!

I am working on handwriting with James and soon, more reading. Right now I am just letting him enjoy pre-k but he constantly asks me "Mom, what does this spell?" a little instruction might be back in the cards for us.

We are buried in feet of snow and really enjoy it. It is a bit of a hassle to dress kids in snow gear and get anywhere on time but we manage. Next year with 3 kids, I might need more coffee!

Our baby names are picked out and once we find out what we are having Feb. 25th...I promise to introduce everyone to our newest bundle of joy!